Past Events
2022 Events
Electrochemistry Techniques Series
Reference Electrodes
February 16, 2022

The workshop covered the fundamentals of both selecting conventional reference electrodes, and selecting and employing reference electrodes for in situ and operando measurements. The speaker, Dr. Drew Higgins, is an assistant professor in the department of Chemical Engineering at McMaster University, and his research focuses on the synthesis and characterization of nanomaterial catalysts for electrochemical CO2 reduction and low temperature fuel cells.
The event has been recorded and is available on our gallery page or by clicking the button below.
Lithium-Ion Battery Industry Panel Discussion
June 9, 2022

This event was a virtual Lithium-ion Battery Industry Panel Discussion. Panelists from three industry leaders in the Li-ion battery space (Echion Technologies, Li-Cycle, and Zen eBikes) shared their perspectives on working as electrochemists and engineers in industry, their personal career paths into the roles they currently hold, and their experience as leaders in the Li-ion battery industry. Participating panelists and companies: Dr. Loubna El Ouatani (Chief Product Officer at Echion Technologies), Chris Biederman, P. Eng. (Chief Process Engineer at Li-Cycle), Dr. Ravi Kempaiah(Co-founder and CEO of Zen eBikes)
The event has been recorded and is available on our gallery page or by clicking the button below.
Open-Source Battery Modeling Workshop
August 23, 2022

In this workshop, we hosted developers and representatives of two python-based open-source battery modeling platforms, Pybamm and Batterydev, who will give an overview of their platforms and examples of the kinds of battery modeling that can be accomplished with them.
The event has been recorded and is available on our gallery page or by clicking the button below.